Marc Eyafa

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”
Banner Eyafa

Marc is an artist, illustrator and graphic designer. He exports African culture to the world through art using a style commonly called Afrofuturism.

Eyafa is from Cameroon, and culturally, it’s a big influence on his art. Between the digital world and its opportunities and the vast Cameroonian culture, he likes to start from, art begins at home, one would say. He quips that most African artists have a shared responsibility and are imbued with the same desire to export the rich African culture outside the continent so that it is better understood. 

His creative process oscillates between finding a theme that interests me and choosing a corresponding image. The theme serves as a foundation to create; having chosen 1 to 3 images from his image bank or images from my photographer, he begins the process of creation.

Eyafa’s passion began as a child, although his first “serious” artwork was made in 2019, after which he started taking art much more in stride. The art in question was a 3D rendering for which the people around him lauded him, which gave him the motivation to continue.

Success as an artist for him is to create something that completely surpasses himself; to create artworks that cross time and generations and that inspire a sense of beauty.

“The future is creativity, let’s make it together,” or so said Eyafa.

Img Eyafa

When Word Become Unclear, I Shall Focus With Photographs, When Images Become Inadequate, I Shall Be Content With Silence